

PIM supports multilingualism both in terms of data and user interface. Locales are responsible for the interface language. The chosen locale determines the language in which you see menu items, settings, field names, etc. Data languages are used mainly for export. They are not related to the locales and may not be the same.

To be able to add data in different languages, you need to add these languages to the interface. By default, PIM has English as the main language. You can change the main language and add additional languages.

To configure the multi-languages settings, go to Administration > Languages:


Click Create Language to add new language to the interface.

Create language

  • Name - set the name of the new language
  • Code - select language code from the list
  • Role - select Main if you want this language to be the main language for your content. Additional should be used for languages to be translated into.

When deleting certain language, the input field and its value will be removed both from the database and system interface.

If this language is returned, the input fields will be restored to the system interface, but with no data in them. So please, be careful with these actions.

Once the action is applied, the missing language fields are added at the bottom of the entity records overview. To customize the field order display, go to the Layout Manager and make the desired changes for each entity separately. Moreover, you can configure each layout for each multilingual field separately as described below.

Multilingual Field Creation

Currently the following field types can be made multilingual in the AtroPIM system:

Field Type Description
Boolean Checkbox for the product attribute that can be added for each active locale
Enum Field type for storing drop-down list values for each active locale with the ability to select only one of the variants
Multi-Enum Field type for storing drop-down list values for each active locale with the ability to select one or more variants
Text Field type for storing long text values in multiple languages
Varchar Field type for storing short text values (up to 255 characters) in multiple languages
Wysiwyg Field type for storing long multiline texts in multiple languages, which contains separate built-in text editors for each active locale

To create a field that can be made multilingual, go to Administration > Entity Manager and click Fields for the desired entity:

Entity manager

In the new window that opens, all fields of the selected entity are displayed. Click the Add Field button, select one of the field types that can be made multilingual:

Multilang fields selection

On the entity field creation page that opens, specify all necessary parameters for this field and select the Multi-Language checkbox to enable automatic creation of multilingual fields via cloning the given main field:

Multilang field creation

As a result, several entity field records will be created – the main one and locale fields in as many languages as there are activated on the "Multi-Languages Settings" page:

Entity fields

Names and labels of multilingual fields include names of their locales: "en_US", "de_DE", etc.

If your system is already integrated with an external system, and you make a simple field multilingual (i.e. set a Multi-Language checkbox for it), you may need to change the mapping to ensure correct work with the external systems.

Multilingual Fields Editing

To edit a multilingual field, either main or locale, click its name on the entity fields list view page and make necessary changes on the page that opens:

Field editing

By default, the locale fields inherit all settings from their main multilingual field, i.e. if the Audited checkbox is selected in the main multilingual field on its creation and/or editing, it is automatically selected for the locale fields. However, once a locale field is edited, it loses its inheritance and is assigned its individual value. To discard all changes in the locale fields and return the values of the main multilingual field, use the Reset to default button on the locale field detail view page:

Reset to default

Please, note if the main multilingual field is mandatory, so are its all locale fields and the Required checkbox disappears from the locale field detail view page:

ML fields required

Moreover, input of values in the given multilingual fields is also required for all languages activated in the AtroCore system.

The DYNAMIC LOGIC panel settings are not inherited – it is configured separately for each multilingual field:

Dynamic logic

Multilingual Field Display on the Layout

To display the newly created multilingual field(s), go to Administration > Layout Manager and click the desired entity in the list to unfold the list of layouts available for this entity. Click the layout you wish to configure (e.g. List) and enable the created field by its drag-and-drop from the right column to the left:

Layout Manager

Please, note that adding the main multilingual field to the layout does not lead to automatic adding of its locale fields – each field is added separately for each layout type.

Click Save to complete the operation. The added field will be displayed on the configured layout type for the given entity:

Added fields

To customize the fields display for other layout types of the entity, make similar changes to the desired layout types in the Layout Manager, as described above.

Search Filters

In the same way, multilingual fields can also be added to the search filters list in the Layout Manager:

Search filters

Mass Update

To activate the mass update of the entity records by multilingual fields, click Mass Update and drag-and-drop the desired fields one by one to the Enabled column:

Mass update

Please, note that mass update for multilingual Enum / Multi-Enum fields is performed on the basis of their main field values, and the corresponding values in their locale fields are updated automatically.

Multilingual Fields Removal

To remove the entity field with the activated Multi-Language checkbox, click Remove on the entity fields list view page and confirm your decision in the pop-up that appears:

Field removal

Please, note that locale fields cannot be removed apart from their main multilingual field. To do this, you need to either remove the selection of the Multi-Language checkbox on the main field editing page or remove the main multilingual field from the system as it is described above.

Access Rights

Multilingualism supports the ability to grant separate roles different read/edit permissions to multilingual fields. To do this, go to Administration > Roles > 'Role name' and on the role detail view page click the Edit button:

Role editing

On the FIELD LEVEL panel of the role edit view page that opens, find the entity you wish to configure, click + next to it and in the pop-up that appears click the multilingual field to be used as a filter for the given entity:

Adding filter

Please, note that you can add as many fields as needed, selecting them one by one.

For the added multilingual fields configure read/edit rights via the corresponding drop-down lists:

Read/edit rights

Use - to remove the unnecessary field(s).

How to change the system translation

Translations of keys to all system entities are stored in the Label entity. You can adjust these translations or create translations for new languages yourself. To edit a translation, go to Administration > Labels.

Label editing

When you add a new language to the interface, a new column for its translations will automatically appear in the Label entity. Use the filter to find the key you need and edit it. To set a translation, select the Edit option in the dot menu icon.

Set translation

The Customized checkbox is selected automatically if the translation was set or changed from the user interface.