
To ensure the security and availability of the atrocore, it is crucial to implement a reliable backup strategy. We recomend to use the 3-2-1 Backup Strategy

3-2-1 Backup Strategy

The 3-2-1 backup strategy ensures redundancy and protection against data loss. It consists of:

  • 3 copies of the data: One primary and two backups.
  • 2 different storage types to reduce the risk of failure.
  • 1 offsite copy to protect against disasters.

Backup Components

A complete backup should include:

  • Files: All PHP files, configuration files, and other relevant assets.
  • Database: A full backup of the PostgreSQL (or other) database.

Backup Strategy Implementation

  1. Local Backup (On-Server)

    • Use rsync or tar to create a backup of files.
    • Use pg_dump for PostgreSQL or mysqldump for MySQL databases.
    • Store backups in /var/backups/ or a dedicated location with restricted access.
    • Automate backups using cron.
  2. External Backup (Different Storage)

    • Copy backups to an external disk or network-attached storage (NAS).
    • Use a dedicated backup server within the local network.
  3. Offsite Backup (Cloud or Remote Server)

    • Sync backups to a cloud storage provider (e.g., AWS S3, Google Drive, or Backblaze B2).
    • Use a remote server with SSH and rsync for encrypted file transfers.

Backup Frequency

We recommend having a daily backup for a week. Also a monthly backup for a year.