To use this adapter you do not need additional modules, only Export and Import modules are required. Easy catalog adapter is a lua script that will connect to pim, fetch data using Export module and push data using Import Module.
Download the setup from You need to have an adobe account to launch InDesign
Download Setup for you Indesign version on this page After installation, launch InDesign, you will have to put a license key, and you will have the screen below.
In the File menu, go to New -> EasyCatalog Panel -> Manage Enterprise Data Providers.
Click on Import Button and select the script atrocore.lua on your local machine.
After that the adapter will be installed.
To fetch the data from PIM, the adapter will need the code of an active export feed. You can set any value in the field "Code" in the export feed detail page (this value must be unique in the system). You will have to set this value in the configuration of a new easy catalog data source.
You have to use the configurator to chose what data the pim will send to easy catalog. The feed must contain a column named "ID" that contains the id of the record.
To update modified data in easy catalog datasource to PIM database, you need to configure an import feed. This feed must be active and have a code (this value must be unique in the system). You will have to set this value in the configuration of a new easy catalog data source.
You can create an import feed directly from an export feed by using the functionality "Duplicate as Import Feed"
The feed must contain a column named "ID" as the entity identifier.
To create a new datasource, Go to the File Menu -> New -> EasyCatalog Panel -> New Atrocore Data Source
Enter valid information in the form.
You can test your configuration by clicking on test button and see the response from pim.
Click Ok on the form to get data from pim and create a new easy catalog panel.