From: 2024-10-02
- Added channel filter for classifications
- Fixed bug with Modal window for Revisions
From: 2024-10-02
- Fixed bug with permissions
From: 2024-10-01
- Updated speed of the navigation
- Updated authentication details for Shopware
From: 2024-09-30
From: 2024-09-27
From: 2024-09-26
- Fixed bug with entity fields configuration
From: 2024-09-23
- Fixed bug with the order of list options in dropdown list
- Fixed bug with copying text to HTML fields
- Added ability to copy export configurations from one PIM system to another
- Added new tools for layout management
- Fixed bug with inability to edit entity
From: 2024-09-17
- Implemented ULID identifiers for all records
- Fixed bug in layout pannel
- Fixed bug in file export
- Added a guide for the Product entity
- Added "Add Relation" to file actions
- Fixed bug with option "Set as main image"
From: 2024-09-13
- Fixed minor bug with notifications
From: 2024-09-13
- Fixed bug with layouts
- Fixed minor bug with files
From: 2024-09-12
- Fixed bug with Relationships in Layouts
- Fixed bug with inability to edit records in related panels
- Fixed bug with field panels in layouts
From: 2024-09-09
- Fixed bug with Attribute Tabs
- SMTP connection security is not mandatory
- Fixed bug with mass action timeout
- Added ability to copy import and export feed configuration as json
From: 2024-09-06
- Fixed bug with unselecting records
- Reconfigured spell checker for fields of type markdown
- Added product export without predefined feed
From: 2024-08-29
- Fixed minor bug in system notifications
- Added ability to select all records visible now via Shift + click
- Converted Note in stream to markdown
- Layout Manager is migrated to Svelte
- Added ability to edit Layouts directly on interfaces
- Added Layout Profiles
From: 2024-08-22
- Adjusted Delete, Update and Set value by AI action types so that they can not be saved/updated/executed as Entity level usage
- Changed template of notifications about updates
- Fixed minor bug with Markdown
- Fixed bug with option "Show more"
- Fixed bugs with html editor
From: 2024-08-19
- Added "My Teams" boolean filter in Issues
- Added new datatype Markdown for fields and attributes
- Reduced the time of product page loading
- Updated Notification functionality
From: 2024-08-19
- Standard width of side panel for List view cahnged from 900px to 1160px.
From: 2024-08-13
- Fixed bug with SMTP server settings
- Changed update page
- Fixed bug with download link for custom image download
- Added ability to set permissions for Import and Export Jobs
- Fixed bug with Stream
- Fixed minor bug with layouts
- Improved performance on items
From: 2024-08-13
- Increase timeout for frontend
From: 2024-08-06
- Fixed scroll on mobile
- Fixed bug with Notification Rules
- Added release notes to Administation/Modules
From: 2024-07-31
- Changed system requirements. At least PHP8.1 is required. Not PHP 7.4 as it was before.
- Refactor notification functionality: added the ability to configure templates for notifications, edit, create and delete system and email notifications; added the ability to have several notification profiles and select the desired one at the system level and at the preference level
- Added ability to restore and permanently delete Files and Folders
- Fixed bug with duplicating followers
- Fixed bug with inability to filter large amount of records in subquery
- Fixed minor bug in attribue pannel display
- Added additional functions to support AI integartion module
- Added support for tax groups
From: 2024-07-26
- Added minor improvement
- Fixed minor bug in list filtering
- Fixed minor bug in custom tabs
- Fixed minor bug in mass actions
- Fixed minor bug in attribute labels
- Updated for AI module
From: 2024-07-23
- Added option Show full list to related panels
- Fixed minor bug in module installation
- Updated for AI module
From: 2024-07-23
From: 2024-07-17
- Added error messaging for mass actions
- Add possibility to configure email templates with twig variables
- Added integration with Svelte
- Added action "Duplicate and Select" on the selection window for one-to-many relations
- Added the ability to delete records permanently
- Fixed entity Disabled option
- Fixed bug in sales
From: 2024-07-12
- Fixed bug with displaying values of boolean fields in Stream
From: 2024-07-02
- Fixed visual bug in categories
- Moved Record Preview functionality to Core
- Added parameter for password expiration date
- Refactored the notation of changes in the system so that the tracking of fields and attributes during import does not affect the import performance.
- Added outgoing email accounts
From: 2024-06-25
- Fixed bug in Ui handlers dublication
- Fixed bug with file import
- Added support for an AI Integration module
From: 2024-06-21
- Added labels for checkboxes on kanban board
- Improved import speed for list options
- Fixed minor bug
From: 2024-06-18
- Added UI handler type: Disable Options
- Added ability to download files into archive by mass action
- Disabled ability to configure layout for Label entity. It is now configured automatically according to system configuration
- Added password complexity validation. By default user password should contain at least one symbol, capital letter, and digit and should be at least 8 characters long. The regular expression can be changed or removed in Administration > Settings.
- Fixed bug with import of range attributes
- Fixed minor bug in UI
- Fixed minor bug in session management
From: 2024-06-17
- Added restriction for only one chatgpt connection
- Fixed minor bug
- Fixed minor bug parent record export
- Changed textarea height parameter to Minimum number of rows of textarea and Maximum number of rows of textarea. They will be used when textarea is disabled in view mode.
From: 2024-06-06
- Fixed bug with Outbound emails settings
- Fixed minor bug in layouts
- Fixed bug with editing files
From: 2024-06-05
- Fixed bug with validation rules for File types
- Fixed minor bug with layouts
From: 2024-05-31
- Added field Folder path for Files and Folders
- Connector has been renamed to Synchronization
- Added change tracking for multiple link fields
- Fixed minor visual bug
- Fixed bug in export http validator
From: 2024-05-27
- Added optimization for multiparent relationship
- Fixed issues in UI
From: 2024-05-24
- Implemented Symfony Mailer to send emails
From: 2024-05-16
- The mechanics of UI Handlers have been updated: added two types of trigger actions - On focus and On Load/Change. Added new type of UI handler "Set value" which is available with the Workflows module
- Visualization of empty fields has been changed: null or empty field is now displayed for fields and attributes that have no value
- Fixed a bug with assigning multiple parents to product records
- Added possibility to add custom code to Head Code
- Added preview for video files
- Fixed minor bug with relation inheritance
- Fixed labels
From: 2024-05-10
- Added ability to send error logs to our centralized logging system to quickly identify and resolve bugs appeared on users environments. In order to allow bug reports to be sent, the checkbox "Send anonymous error reports" on the Setting page must be enabled.
- The error is now shown if a field does not exist in the selection when filtering data records via API
- Added ability to customize the storage time of records that were deleted by scheduled job
- Added an icon in the top menu bar so that the user can leave a feedback about our product
- Fixed bug with plate view of File and Product entities
- Fixed bug with dropdown option on detail page of some entities
- Fixed bug in Quick Create
- Fixed bug in Global Search
From: 2024-05-10
- Fixed bug video player was not work
From: 2024-05-09
- Added action to launch multiple action in a sequence
From: 2024-05-03
- All Files became private
- Upgraded Sharing function for sharing public links
- Added field "Download URL (shared)" for Files in Export Feed configurator for exporting public download links
- Upgraded mass action split functionality
- Notification bubble 'II' is now shown on the queue manager icon when it is on pause
- Fixed bug with language filter
From: 2024-05-02
- Added ability to display attributes of type Link and Link Multiple as static list (available with the module Advanced Data Types installed)
- Fixed bug with creating products from file page
- Fixed minor bug in list small
From: 2024-04-25
- Added Lists to admin panel
- Added ability to unlink all files from storage. Physical files are still stored
- Added ability to set NULL value for attributes and fields of type boolean
- Refactored mechanism for reuploading files
- Fixed bug with hierarchy tree displaying
- Fixed bug with displaying counter in case of updating (deleting) large amount of records
- Fixed minor visual bug for mobile
- Fixed minor visual bug with attributes
- Fixed minor bug with multilingual fields of list options
- Fixed minor visual bug with attribute tabs
From: 2024-04-23
- Fixed minor bug in navigation menu in mobile
- Fixed bug in navigation menu buttons
- Fixed bug with empty value for fields of type string
- Added display for link fields as a static list
From: 2024-04-17
- Added ability to save custom filters for dashboards
- Any language can be selected for the Language fields
- For fields and attributes of the string type added "Disable Null Value" checkbox. If the value of an attribute (field) is not specified, it is considered as Null and is displayed in the view mode with the placeholder "Null". To set an empty value for an attribute or field from UI, user needs to write a space in the field (in edit mode placeholder Null changes to None). If an empty value is set for an attribute (field) of type string, nothing is displayed in the view mode. In the view mode space is displayed as ⎵.
- Fixed bug with closing list option panel
- Fixed bug with editing record in edit mode
From: 2024-04-16
- Fixed minor bug with pannels
From: 2024-03-19
ATTENTION! Major changes! Backward compatibility is not respected!
- Deep refactoring of the mechanisms for working with files was carried out. Entities Asset, Attachment, AssetType, AssetCategory, Library have been removed. These API endpoint were removed too. Entities File, FileType, Folder, Storage have been added instead. Data was migrated into new entities. Also relationship entities such as ProductAsset has been changed to ProductFile (CategoryAsset -> CategoryFile, etc).
- AtroCore provided the opportunity to use several Storages. Such as a local file system, Microsoft Share Point, Google drive and so on.
- Implemented File First concept.
- Added ability to scan(index) storages on the server for the system to display them in the interfaces
php index.php storages --scan
or php index.php storage <STORAGE ID> --scan
- Added ability to upload a file via URL.
- Added default file types.
- Changed file presentation. It has become more informative.
- Added ability to reupload file.
- Implemented unified upload modal form.
- Xattr is recommended for installation.
From: 2024-04-25
- Fixed bug with hierarchy tree displaying
From: 2024-04-24
- Fixed bug in navigation menu buttons
From: 2024-04-18
- Fixed bug with closing list option panel
- Fixed bug with editing record in edit mode
From: 2024-04-17
From: 2024-04-16
- Fixed minor bug with pannels
From: 2024-04-09
- Mass update (delete) job is now split into several sub-jobs of 2000 records each if the number of records to be updated exceeds 400
- Simplified the layout configuration for related panels: added the icon to close each panel from record page (the panel will be closed only for current user), in the layouts manager added the ability to define, whether the panel is shown per default or not by the checkbox "hidden per default".
- Default value of the field is now set when you click on it in case if it is empty
- Fixed bug with filter
From: 2024-04-05
- Fixed minor bug with login options
- Fixed minor bug with scripts
From: 2024-04-05
- The response time for hierarchical entities has been decreased due to the fact that the tree in the left pane is not loaded every time you switch between records if it is hidden
- Fixed minor bug in "followed" filter
From: 2024-04-03
- Improvements for multilingual label translations
- Improved language filters in entities
- Added "+" button for convenient creation of records in the fields of type link and linkMultiple
- Fixed minor bug in stream
From: 2024-04-02
- Added new preconfigured entity "Order Confirmation"
- Added new preconfigured entity "Prospect"
From: 2024-04-01
- Fixed bug with displaying deleted records in the linked entities
- Fixed minor bug
- Fixed bug with sorting category trees by drag & drop
From: 2024-03-25
- Added extensibleEnum type to dynamic logic
- Added record comparison between different instances. The functionality is available with the Connector module.
- Fixed bug with adding Currency when installing the environment
- Fixed bug with category hierarchy
From: 2024-03-19
- Fixed minor bug with opening attachments in the stream
- The cron job will not be performed if the schedulled job is deleted or deactivated
- Integrated translations to Polish
- Added numeration to Accounts
From: 2024-03-18
- Increased the performance of the hierarchical entity list output by removing fields "isRoot" and "hasChildren" from the response to record collection request. Now these fields are calculated only when requested
- Fixed bug with importing attributes of type list to Attribute Value entity
From: 2024-03-15
- Fix bug in migration mechanism
From: 2024-03-13
- Fixed a bug in asset import
- Fixed bug with Unique List Options checkbox for Lists
- Added ability to copy Sales as Invoice, Credit Note, Delivery and Sale Return
From: 2024-03-12
- Fixed bug error 500 on Asset update
From: 2024-03-07
- Added ability to set permissions for ProductHierarchy
- Fixed minor bug in category selection
- Fixed minor bug in access for roles
From: 2024-03-05
- Added validation for unlinking the list option from the list
- Fixed bug with default value field in layouts
- Fixed bug with list option code
- Fixed bug with actions menu
From: 2024-02-27
API changes:
Relationship between ExtensibleEnumOption and ExtensibleEnum has been changed from many-to-one to many-to-many. As a result, the following parameter changes for ExtensibleEnumOption entity took place:
"extensibleEnumsId" was changed to "extensibleEnumsIds": { "type": "array" }
"extensibleEnumsName" was changed to "extensibleEnumsNames": { "type": "object" }
General changes:
- List option code is unique now if it is define
- The DAM module is now included into Core
- Fixed bug with classifications
- Fixed bug with creating list option from the entity.
From: 2024-02-27
- Fixed minor bug when default price is taken from the Recurring Price the Currency is not filled too
From: 2024-02-26
- Fixed minor bug when field label is not renamed
From: 2024-02-21
- The Action to export selected records is now provided out of the box
- Added ability to set unit as default from the Measure entity. After the action is applied, the selected unit will become the default for all fields and attributes that use this measure
- Added relation many-to-many between Classification Attribute and List Option entities. This allows to choose options for an attribute that can only be used in a particular classification
From: 2024-02-20
- Added ability to set default value for currency at once for all fields and attributes
- Fixed bug with Unique checkbox for fields (duplicated records are not deleted now)
- Added ability to configure dynamic logic for attribute tabs
From: 2024-02-15
- Added minor improvements in module Inventory
From: 2024-02-15
- Fixed minor bug in parent display
From: 2024-02-14
- Fixed minor bug in name display whe creating multilingual list option
- Added new data type Measure
- Added simple text field for connection parameters
- Fixed bug in layout pannel
From: 2024-02-09
- Dynamic Logic is now configured in a separate entity "UI Handlers". Actions of the types Required, Visible and Read-only can be applied to multiple fields at once, as well as to panels
- Fixed bug with uploading assets
From: 2024-02-08
- Fixed minor bug with automatic update
From: 2024-02-06
- Added ability to activate/deactivate records
- Added checkbox "Dropdown" to Extensible Enum and Multi-enum
From: 2024-02-06
- Fixed bug with currency displaying
From: 2024-02-02
- Added date change for assets update change date on products
From: 2024-02-01
- Fixed a bug with empty attribue export
From: 2024-01-31
- Fixed minor bug with classifications display
- Fixed minor bug with entities display
From: 2024-01-30
- Fixed minor bug with importing user entity records
From: 2024-01-29
- Fixed bug with default value of list type field
From: 2024-01-26
- Fixed Naming/Calculation for Sales
- Added new connection type Atrocore
From: 2024-01-19
- Static lists are nor exist now. For dynamic lists it is possible to create system lists and list options
- Currency now is a system measure. It appears automatically after system update (four currencies are available by default).
- Added active checkbox for units
- It is possible to add Authorization token from UI
- Updated duplicate action: Entity fields and one-to-many relationships are cloned automatically. For links many-to-one and many-to-many it is possible to choose which relations should be cloned in the entity settings
From: 2024-01-16
- Updated action type export
- Added validation for deleting measure, units, list, list options
- Fixed bug with logs not shown
- Fixed bug with locale saving
- Fixed bug with classifications
From: 2024-01-15
- Added further support to adresses
- Fixed minor bug with showing currency
From: 2024-01-10
- The Action now is a separate entity in the Core
- Fixed bugs with product tree
- Fixed bug in user activity stream
- Set Name for adress as optional per default
From: 2024-01-08
- Converted Currency Data type to float with measure units
- Fixed bug with default unit in import feed configurator
- Added improvements for ERP
From: 2024-01-03
- Added inheritance for entity of type Relation
- Added possibility to disable hierarchy of entity
- Fixed bug with classifications
From: 2023-12-30
- CRITICAL bug has been fixed
From: 2023-12-19
- Relationship type of entity was removed, existing relationship entities became Relation
- Fixed bug with dashboard
- Fixed bug with price profile editing
- Added checkbox "Apply only of required" for default values of fields
From: 2023-12-19
- Created system jobs for deleting old import and export jobs, logs, attachments, etc.
From: 2023-12-15
- Portals functionality has been removed
From: 2023-12-14
- Added ability to pause queue manager to be able to delete records until they start running
- Fixed bug with filter Deleted
From: 2023-12-14
- CRITICAL bug has been fixed
From: 2023-12-12
- Fixed bug with autosuggestions for relations
From: 2023-12-12
- Fixed bug with no recently added list options shown
- Added twig function to convert Asset Images to Base64
From: 2023-12-11
- Added ability for Queue Manager to proceed more than 1 item per second
From: 2023-12-05
- Fixed bug with creating queue items with same sorting
- Added ability to add field name in scope for fields that has same labels in Layout Manager
- Added ChatGPT action
From: 2023-12-01
- Fixed bug with adding roles to user
- Fixed bug with tooltips
- Improved import performance
From: 2023-11-29
- Fixed bug with roles
- Fixed bug with tooltips
- Made filter and search case-insensitiv (relevant for PostrgeSQL)
- Fixed bug with marking for no relation option in import feed
From: 2023-11-29
- Fixed bug with adding a team or role for a user
- Added ability to set button like "set main Category" for main Category
- Fixed bug with completeness
- Added optimization to import
From: 2023-11-28
- Fixed bug with deleting a product
From: 2023-11-28
- Fixed bug 500 in product creating
From: 2023-11-28
- Fixed bug in filter fields
From: 2023-11-27
From: 2023-11-23
- Major change! All manyToMany relations now has there own entities as Entity Type Relations. It is helps to do export or import
From: 2023-11-24
- Fixed bug in Cron Manager
From: 2023-11-14
- Increased import performance
- Removed unnecessary queries in Core
From: 2023-11-10
- Fixed bug with product tree
From: 2023-11-08
- Fixed bug with product attriute value pannel
- Added support for database export
From: 2023-11-08
From: 2023-11-06
- Fixed bug with option Delete Forever
- Fixed minor bug in Layouts
- Fixed bug in Connections
From: 2023-10-23
- Added PostgreSQL support
- Added mass update action to Queue Manager
- Added ability to choose measure units for attributes of type string
From: 2023-10-27
- Fixed bug with merging export feeds
- Added support for oauth 1.0a connection
From: 2023-10-25
- Added multilingualism for fields and attributes of type script
From: 2023-10-23
- Fixed bug with bad server response when deleting category
- Added synchronization for OTTO Marketplace API
From: 2023-10-16
- Added ability to set variables in the filter
- Fixed bug with dashboard page
From: 2023-10-12
- Added ability to restore deleted records
- Fixed bug with filter
- Added counter for related panels
From: 2023-10-09
- Fixed bug with translation of required fields
- Fixed bug with creating a new entity field
- Removed the option to automatically change the username when changing the e-mail address
- Fixed bud with scheduled jobs editing
- Changed ordering of options for fields and attributes of type list
From: 2023-10-06
- Fixed bug with Dynamic Logic panel
- Fixed bug with saving attachments in Discussions
From: 2023-10-03
- Refactored import of PAV from Product entity
- Fixed bug in mass translation option
From: 2023-09-29
- Fixed bug with product asset inheritance
From: 2023-09-20
- Added inheritance for relationship entities
From: 2023-09-13
From: 2023-09-13
- Created "Execute now" in scheduled jobs
- Fixed bug in the change history for list-type attributes
- Set mainLanguage as only reguired language
- Fixed bug with no notification about change on product page
From: 2023-09-12
- Bug with deleting attributes has been fixed
From: 2023-09-05
- Refactored old code
- Added new priorities to connector
- Fixed bug with attribute editing
From: 2023-08-31
From: 2023-08-29
- Added purchase info to Module Manager
From: 2023-08-28
- Fixed bug with list label
- Fixed bug with name while creating
From: 2023-08-21
- Fixed bug with Import/Export feed duplication
- Fixed bug with notifications
- Fixed bug with fields creating
- Fixed bug with tooltips
- Add ability to set thousand separator empty
From: 2023-08-17
From: 2023-08-17
- Fixed a bug when notifications for classification attributes reffered to attributes as "NULL"
From: 2023-08-08
- Added ability to enable index (db index) for field
- Added ability to download file for favicon in JPG, PNG or SVG format
From: 2023-08-01
- Refactored relationship entities
- Fixed bug with exporting to ZIP archive
From: 2023-07-28
- Added ability to add config variables
- Moved Create Button in list small on top
- Updated asset selection functionality
From: 2023-07-25
- Unified twig functionality
- Added enable/disable options for text fields
From: 2023-07-13
- Fixed minor bug in stream displaying