Export: Database

This module extends the functionality of the module Export Feeds and enables you to automate export process by storing your exported files to certain database in the web. Module supports export to MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS types of databases.

Note that you will still need Export Feeds module to be installed.

Creating Database feed

To create database export feed select Database as a Type. You may need to adjust Maximum Number of Records per Iteration * option to limit the amount of records to be exported to one file.


Export Data Settings

Here you have to first select Connection - select existing or create one.


When you established a connection and made a request you can proceed to connect the columns you selected to the fields or relation in PIM as in usual import feed.

Connection menu

Here you can select established connections or create a new one. Use name, Host and Port to locate it and User and Password (of your database) for the system to get access to it.
