How to setup Mail with Microsoft OAuth2 SMTP

In order to setup Mail with Microsoft OAuth2 SMTP, you must first register your application, to do this follow these steps: 1) Log in to the page with administrator rights. 2) In the Applications section, select App registration and click New registration.

Register an application

Build the application

3) Secret key

Secret key

Add a secret

Copy value

Copy the value (It is the Client Secret on PIM)

4) Permissions

API permissions

Add a permission

Add a permission

Add a permission

Add a permission

Add a permission

5) Authentication

Add a platform

Add a platform

The Redirect Url must be in this format 'https://YOUR_PROJECT/?entryPoint=OauthSmtpCallback'

6) Configuration in PIM

Microsoft OAUTH

These are the values you need to set on PIM connection Server: Port: 587 Auth Type: OAuth Username: your mail address Client Id: obtained in step 2, it is ‘Application (client) ID’ Client Secret: obtained in step 3, it is the ‘Secret Value’ Oauth Authorize URL :{TenantID}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize Oauth Token URL:{TenantID}/oauth2/v2.0/token TenantID is obtained in step 1, it is ‘Directory (Tenant) ID’ From Address: your mail address From Name: your name